What is Physical Therapy?Physical therapy is completed by a licensed provider. Physical therapy is used to improve a client’s quality of life by improvements in strength, aerobic endurance, gait patterns, neuromuscular function, balance, and reduction of pain. A physical therapist provides evidence based therapeutic interventions to get you back on your feet quickly with lasting results. Physical therapists are experts in managing musculoskeletal disorders. Our therapists provide one on one quality care in private rooms. Physical therapists at our clinic can utilize direct access!

MEANING = no orders are required by your physician. A physical therapist can see you for 24 days before a doctor is needed to step in to lower the cost of medical by decreasing the need of unnecessary imaging, scans, and medications. A physical therapist can assess for proper assistive devices needed such as a walker or a cane and work with the client to reach their specific goals. Our physical therapists care about pain control and can use a variety of interventions to help you reach your goals.

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